Saturday, July 1, 2017

Grandeur Peak

We haven't gotten NEARLY the hiking in that we thought we were going to be able to this summer!  Too many weekends have gone by and there's just other stuff going on, but we made it out today to hike Grandeur Peak.  It's a shorter hike, as we are very much out of shape for this, but we were excited to get out and about.

The summer views are stunning in all the directions!

We were, in fact, so out of shape that I felt ill on the way up.  That's never happened before, and makes me want to hit the gym!

When we made it to the top, which we did in pretty much record time, and it was gorgeous 360 degree views.  One side the valley...

The other side deeper into the mountain range.  At the top there was this enormous gathering of bugs!  They were flying everywhere, congregating up there at the top.  We think the wind carries them upwards in the draft and they find themselves amongst friends there at the top!

Every good hike must end with a carb night, and Ruby Snap aided us in that endeavor!  I love their cookies!

It was a wonderful day spent outside with Jon!

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