Friday, July 21, 2017


Leiden and Mac have been sharing a room, and we recently decided to move her downstairs so everyone can have their own room.  We decided it was best to move her into the existing craft room, so it had to be completely cleaned out and the big glass tables moved into the existing play room.  Where all the toys were literally just put into bins, willy nilly, in order to clean IT.  Well.  Jon had helped me move the big glass tabletops off the wood frames, and I figured I could move the frames easily.  Ummmm, not really.  I had forgotten that the reason I had put the tables in the room they were in was because assembled (the only way they ARE) they could only fit through THAT doorway with the required twisting and turning.  My disappointment at this not being a simple move began to grow.  I had no idea how the frames had been assembled, I just knew they had never been DISassembled.  I pouted for a while, then decided I wasn't going to let it change what we had planned, and looked on YouTube for tutorials on how to loosen the enormous screws the table is secured with.   It took a ton of elbow grease, but I finally got two legs off the first table, and moved it into the new craft room.  The second went a bit more quickly, and while it was tedious, soon enough the second table was moved in.  Then I put the legs back on, which was another tedious project, and set them up!  Whew!!!

These were my tools, and a couple of the screws I had to take out.

And finally the tables are moved in, and we can move Leiden!

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