Tuesday, August 19, 2014

1 Day Before First Grade

Woohoo!  There is only one day left, folks!  Today's last activity was to visit the teachers!

Because of the creative scheduling I had to do with the activities, we got down to business today to make cookies for the teacher treat...that we only bought the paper for on the day of that activity!  This way they get fresh cookies.

Mac is super excited, and I love reusing cute teacher gift ideas!

Mac got to meet Mrs. LaFleur

and be introduced to her new classroom, Mrs. LaFleur's garden!  I love the play on her name and french.  So cool for little kids.

Leiden came with us to the meet the teacher, because as much as we have been focusing on Mac the last bit, Leiden starts school tomorrow, too!  Fourth grade for this little one!  She has two teachers this year, team teaching...Mrs. Dahlgren on the left, and Ms. Stroud on the right.  It looks like that arrangement will work out very nicely for Mrs. Dahlgren when her little one comes!

After the visit, we tried to take a picture of us in the parking lot...but we struggled to get everyone visible in the pic.  Mimi is hiding in this one.

Mimi is STILL hiding in this one...and Mac is pretty excited.

Now Leiden has somehow been edged out.

Mimi apparently struggles getting in a picture.

Seriously, right before we took this last one, someone driving out of the parking lot literally stopped her car, rolled down her window, and asked if we wanted her to take the picture for us.  We must have looked ridiculous!  BUT...we got our pic!  All four faces!

Tomorrow is the big day!

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