Thursday, August 21, 2014


Beautiful evening for a picnic and party at my parents' ward!  This year it was a luau, so we came prepared with grass skirts and they provided leis.

The girls were thrilled with their pink and orange grass skirts. 

After a wonderful dinner, there was entertainment!  They had a group of Polynesian dancers who performed, then they had the little kids who wanted to come up and be taught a dance.  It was pretty funny.  They were all very young, and somehow the older lady calling the moves was getting frustrated with them not listening and following the young woman in front.  I kept thinking, do you honestly expect these little kids to follow your unclear instructions?

Then things got a little livelier when the woman had some of the men of the ward come and dance.  It was equal parts frightening and awesome.

Then things got REALLY interesting...I guess the woman liked Dad's enthusiasm, so she asked him to come up alone...this was the result.

Then the long looked forward to fire truck!  These guys break out their ladders and shoot the water out onto the field.  Mimi chose to go into the water IN her towel, despite our urgings otherwise...

It's difficult to keep grandmere away from water...she likes it, and wanted to run through the water with the girls.

This looks like mist, but it's really not.  It's like HEAVY rain, sheeting down from the sky.

The evening was a little chilly for water play, so the girls didn't last too long under the onslaught!

It appeared to be perhaps just a smidge more than Grandmere anticipated.

After just a few minutes, Mac was cold and sad, so the night was kind of over.

Also being a school night, it was time to go home.  This event was earlier in the summer last year, but school is already upon us!  This was the view, although somewhat hindered by trees, from my car as I loaded wet, tired kids in.

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