Saturday, August 2, 2014

City Creek

This afternoon we headed out to Gateway to play in their splash pad...and it was closed for repairs!  So we headed to City Creek.  Much smaller splash pad, but it worked out just fine.

The kids really enjoy the unpredictability of the fountains.  One or more of them always get it right in the face.

Mom and I sat in the sweltering shade and watched the girls.

They do enjoy getting wet!

Then they remembered the big fountain.

They took full advantage of the water cascading off the side!

They thought this was a fun trick.  Hair in the know, I remember doing something similar a little older.  For the dubious intent of styling my hair smoothly to one side.  Yeah.  Not such a good time in my fashion life.

Check out the little girl beyond them.  She looks like she may be contemplating sticking her head in, too!

Then it's drying time.  I purposely took the picture without any other people in it, but they were streaming all around the girls.  They just kind of plopped down in the middle of the cement.

Cooling off on a hot day is AWESOME!

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