Saturday, August 9, 2014

11 Days Before First Grade!

This morning Mom and I headed out to the new range.  A guy she and my Dad worked at the temple with opened the place up, so we went to check it out.  There was a line of women outside the door, waiting for it to open...funny women, the kind who are very vocal about how they don't need men, and the men should look out because here we come sorts.  Not a fan of the attitude, but hey, I don't have to adopt it.

We tried a couple guns...I still like my Springfield XDM.  My mom tried a little Glock that had custom stippling on the handle--it was terrible!  The texture literally scratched my palms up just to shoot it.  Not sure why anyone would want that on their firearm, but whatever.  Mom is getting better.  Especially as she now knows how to line up the sights.  :) 

And I'm getting better, too!  Somehow every time the first handful or so of rounds are all over the place, but then things tighten up.

While we were there, there was an older guy, retired army, shooting a long gun at a TINY target down at the very far end of the range.  With my recent introduction to an intimate association with the military, I have found myself very conscientious of other members, active and retired.  I never know if someone I approach likes to be approached and thanked, or if they think it's hollow, or what, but I always want to thank them.  So I approached this guy, foolishly, INSIDE the range, where I couldn't hear a thing.  I pretty much made a fool of myself, but managed to get across that I was grateful for his service, and have a SF fiance currently serving in Afghanistan.  He seemed grateful and a little surprised at my thanks.  Luckily, we ran into each other after shooting, as well, and I was able to have a much less foolish conversation.  This guy was hard core.  He was a SF sniper (hence the tiny target!) and did SF tours all over the place back in the day.  And several places he probably shouldn't have even mentioned!  He was very nice, and asked about Derek, wishing him well, and a safe return.  Interactions like that are very satisfying, and I'm glad I approached him.  I guess I figure that even if someone doesn't necessarily want to hear thank you for whatever reason, I feel like I am being remiss not expressing it.

Because I'm catching up many days later, I've included Mac's 12 Days activities on the days they were supposed to be done, even though she and the other girls were actually with Brad this of the few benefits to being behind on the blog!  :) 

It's craft day!  Apples! 

Mac (and the other girls) made an apple, today...this is a little strange, as here in UT we start school, even for traditional schedules, in AUGUST, but back to school is apple time, regardless! 

They looked good enough to eat! 

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